Sermons from Lynn Haven UMC:
(sermons in general chronological order)
College Life Retreat Talks
1 Peter 5- Shepherding the Flock
1 Peter 3:1-7 Hope in God and Marriage
4 Men and a Gift (Alexi Gibson)
2 Sermons based on Luke 15 and borrowing from Tim Keller’s book The Prodigal God
The Prodigal God- “You Should be Happy About This”
The Prodigal God- “Older Brother Syndrome and its Remedies”
Fulfillment, Happiness and the real Gospel Dynamic
Prediction and Trust UF FCA Version (1 hr)
Various Sermons:
Spirituality, Knowing and drawing Close to God
Drawing Close to God: Our Biggest Problem, The Bible’s Biggest Promise
Closing the Distance: Drawing Close to God
Focus and Tactics of Spiritual Growth
The Difference between Pagan, Religious, and Gospel Prayer
Materialism and Contentment:
Growing Contentment- Source and Machinery
Coveting, Greed and Materialism- rewriting the American Dream
American Dream- Wanting what other’s have…
Doctrinal and Expositional Sermons:
Justification: Doctrine for daily life
Jesus and the Sacrificial System
Ephesians: The Gospel, Roles and Power
Ephesians: The Gospel, Unity and Worship
1 Peter 2 Living Hope, Live Stones (expositional)
Talks on Various Topics:
(These talks come mainly from Lynn Haven’s ‘Sunday Night Forums’)
Theology and Doctrine:
Thoughts on the Doctrine of Providence
Theology and Sexuality:
Christian Faith, Homosexuality and Science
Christian Faith, Homosexuality and Scripture
Theology and the Family
1 Peter 3:1-7 Hope in God and Marriage NEW
The Disappearance of Motherhood, Children and Parenting
Difficulty and Disappearance of Motherhood
Theology and Science:
Christian Faith, Evolution and Scripture Pt 1
Christian Faith, Evolution and Scripture Pt 2
Other Topics:
Non-Christian and New Age Spiritualities
Christianity in the World:
Positive Contributions of Christian Faith
Understanding Attacks on Christian History
Understanding attacks on Christian History
Nice website