Monday, December 13, 2010

Nic Gibson Audio

nic audio  

Sermons from Lynn Haven UMC:

(sermons in general chronological order)

College Life Retreat Talks

College Life Talk 1 NEW

College Life Talk 2 NEW

College Life Talk 3 NEW

College Life Talk 4 NEW

1 Peter 5- Shepherding the Flock

1 Peter 5- Being the Flock 

1 Peter 3:1-7 Hope in God and Marriage

4 Men and a Gift (Alexi Gibson)


2 Sermons based on Luke 15 and borrowing from Tim Keller’s book The Prodigal God

The Prodigal God- “You Should be Happy About This”

The Prodigal God- “Older Brother Syndrome and its Remedies”


Fulfillment, Happiness and the real Gospel Dynamic

Prediction and Trust

Prediction and Trust UF FCA Version (1 hr)

Power Point (PBU Version)

Word doc (PBU Version)

Attitude and Influence

How the Gospel Takes Hold


Various Sermons:

The Spirit and Service 

Spirituality, Knowing and drawing Close to God

Crying out for God’s Presence

Drawing Close to God: Our Biggest Problem, The Bible’s Biggest Promise

Closing the Distance: Drawing Close to God

Focus and Tactics of Spiritual Growth

 The Difference between Pagan, Religious, and Gospel Prayer


Materialism and Contentment:

Growing Contentment- Source and Machinery

Coveting, Greed and Materialism- rewriting the American Dream 

American Dream- Wanting what other’s have…


Doctrinal and Expositional Sermons:

What will we do in Heaven?

Justification: Doctrine for daily life

Jesus and the Sacrificial System

Ephesians: The Gospel, Roles and Power

Ephesians: The Gospel, Unity and Worship

I Am in John’s Gospel

1 Peter 2 Living Hope, Live Stones (expositional)


Talks on Various Topics:

(These talks come mainly from Lynn Haven’s ‘Sunday Night Forums’)

Theology and Doctrine:

Thoughts on the Doctrine of Providence

Creeds and Councils: Nicea 


Theology and Sexuality:

Christian Faith, Homosexuality and Science

Christian Faith, Homosexuality and Scripture


Theology and the Family

1 Peter 3:1-7 Hope in God and Marriage NEW

The Disappearance of Motherhood, Children and Parenting 

Difficulty and Disappearance of Motherhood 

Marriage Crashers: Infidelity 

Marriage Crashers: Criticism  


Theology and Science:

Christian Faith, Evolution and Scripture Pt 1

Christian Faith, Evolution and Scripture Pt 2


Other Topics:

Jesus’ Politics- a Discussion

Non-Christian and New Age Spiritualities

How to Choose a Church


Christianity in the World:

Positive Contributions of Christian Faith

Understanding Attacks on Christian History 

Understanding attacks on Christian History

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