Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Small Group Audio 7: Serving and Being Served

Listen to this audio episode here.Small Group Audio

Serving and being Served

The two application here are:

1. How can serving people inside your small group foster community?

2. How can serving people outside your small group foster community?


  1. Nic - another great message. Simple yet insightful. Change your surroundings, change your blessings. Thanks!

  2. Nic, these are helpful. Thx, Brian

  3. Thanks for taking the time to prepare these messages. They are helpful and encouraging.

  4. This is great advice,especially for our newest small group for Sunday School. We are just learning and bonding with each other and with a service project (and a meal together) we should be able to not only serve others in need, but also get closer together. Jim Cary
